New contributor
How about a warm tennis court applause for new Expository Thoughts contributor Rich Ryan. I will give everyone the 411 on Rich later but it's Friday and you know what that means for preachers.
Dedicated to preachers and preaching.
Paul we know you want some more help in here. :)
Welcome Rich
Not a Hokie!
I think Jonathan pretty much summed up all you need to know about the 411 on me. I am a Hokie through and through. I am accustomed to underperformance based on high expectations. For those of you who are confused look here
Every year I learn that there is more humility to be learned.
I am more than overwhelmed at the thought of contributing here. As I reflected last night I was reminded that it was 10 years ago last month that I had “peach tea” at a round table in the GCC gym with Jerry Wragg at my first Shep Conf. and I was so humbled and amazed that there were more guys who could teach like John M. I still remember Jerry’s teaching on shepherding your family at that SC.
Now I am invited to write along side of him? Ha! As C.J. Mahaney reminded us last Friday - God is actively in the business of humbling his men. I look forward to the refining.
But what constrains me more than the overwhelming sense of humility I find in the midst of preachers here who are far better than I, is my desire to be the best communicator of God's word that I can be. Like my recent mentor, Dr. RLH, I am a student of preaching...always asking...always reading...always seeking to improve.
I just hope some of my journey, learning and questions will help us all become better communicators of the Word that we all hold so dear.
Back to Sunday’s sermon prep which is ironically, "why we are committed to an exalted view of scripture and why expository preaching is so fitting for that demand." Maybe an ET blog post will arise from these ashes. ;o)
Thanks for the invite Paul.
Thanks Rich,
I was thinking about some of the comments I read around the blog world and there are now evangelicals who are saying we have too high a view of Scripture and not a high enough view of God (as if one can truly divide the two). That is the reason why I write for Expository Thoughts and why I view of Scripture is very high but it's never high enough. So keep preaching the Word of God brothers!
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