Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Preaching Christ in All of Scripture

Some of our readers my be interested to know that the new issue of The Master’s Seminary Journal has arrived (Volume 16, Number 2, Fall 2005). The entire issue is devoted to “The New Perspective on Paul.” As always there are also numerous book reviews on various disciplines. Of interest to expositors is Professor Keith Essex’s review of the late Edmund P. Clowney’s book Preaching Christ in All of Scripture. Clowney was a proponent of the “redemptive-historical” school of preaching. I’m sure this will be the subject of a future post for one of us here as we are all concerned with how we understand the relationship of Christ to all of Scripture while safe-guarding the authorial intent of the text. Another way of looking at this is to ask how we preach Christ from passages that seemingly have no connection in the way of near context. How does this take place without exaggerating typology or “tacking Christ on” to the end of every sermon in a forced manner? On second thought, this might become a future series for our contributors. Thoughts anyone?


Blogger Caleb Kolstad said...

This would be a good series to go through. Perhaps Jerry or Chris will post some comments on this subject in the future?


10:36 AM  

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