"Godliness" and "Bauldness"

In a little over a week, we will launch what we hope will be a useful blog for preachers who are called to herald the Word of God. The discipline of preaching has taken on many forms these days (post-modern, seeker-friendly, purpose-driven, narrative-centered, afro-centric, feministic, and man-centered are just a few terms that are used to describe the current state of the pulpit).There are many problems with the state of modern preaching but we also believe there are many positive signs of biblical renewal going on behind the sacred desk. It is our goal to not only point out both but to contribute to the refinement and progression of expository preaching. We hope to show that true preaching must be what the old Scot called a mixture of "godliness" and "bauldness."John Knox's secretary,Richart Bannatyne, recorded the passing of the "Thundering Scot" with these stirring words:
"On this manner departed this man of God, the lycht of Scotland, the comfort of the kirk within the same, the mirror of godliness, and patrone and example of all true ministeris, in puritie of lyfe, soundness in doctrine, and bauldness in reproving of wickitness, and one that cared not the favor of men (how great soever they were), to reprove their abuses and synis. In him was sic a myghtie spreit of judgement and wisdome, that the truble never came to the kirk sen his entering in publict preiching but he foirsaw the end thereof, so that he was ever reddie a trew counsall and a faythfull to teich men that wald be taught to tak’ the best and leive the worst."Stay tuned for more updates from "expository thoughts". . .
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