Something Old, Something New

There's no greater task under the Sun than to proclaim the Word of God. However, preaching has become an endangered species whereby anything and everything is called "preaching". It was P. T. Forsyth who reminded us of preaching's crucial nature when he said, "It is, perhaps, an overbold beginning, but I will venture to say that with its preaching Christianity stands or falls."
This blog will be dedicated to the expository ministry of the Christian Scriptures (it's recovery, sharpening, and systematic proclamation). We hope to provide encouragement, resources, and general discussion related to the preaching ministry. Check back here January 1, 2006 for the launch of "Expository Thoughts."
Good idea Paul. I'll frequent this one!
This is a great idea! Thanks for thinking of me.
Paul, I read vol 1 of Murray's biography of Martyn Lloyd-jones last month and am finishing up vol 2 this month. They really ought to be on your list of books on preaching. I see 'Preachers and Preaching' on there but to see his application lived out in real life is much more effective.
Allen, Scott,
I'll expect you guys to be a part of the conversation here.
Good call. We may add another category at some point called "preacher biography." Our goal in the "preaching books" section is to have only works that are specifically geared to preaching. There are many secondary sources that we could add but we're trying to list only primary works. Thanks for the imput. Check back soon for more changes and updates.
Are there many revisions in the new preaching book by MacArthur? Is it worth the price to get the one? For that matter, how about the counseling and pastoral ministry ones?
Kevin (gracegift),
I spoke with some of the guys involved in the revisions you mentioned and they said that the preaching and pastoring books have received minor revisions(grammar, footnotes, spelling,etc.) but the counseling book has received more attention. I was told that the counsleing book has had complete chapter changes although I don't have any other details.
I asked the question that you did about the preaching book and they said I should keep the old one I have. The counseling book may be harder to say.
I am looking forward to reading thoughts on preaching. I am also looking forward to Pixley's participation. If you can actually get him to write you should probably get some kind of award or something.
Pixley is under contract so he doesn't have a choice.
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