Watch your language!
What do the following phrases have in common? Find out here and here.
- Rainbow of Promise, our Ark of Salvation, and our Dove of Peace
- Speaker, Word, and Breath
- Overflowing Font, Living Water, Flowing River
- Compassionate Mother, Beloved Child, and Life-giving Womb
- Sun, Light, and Burning Ray
- Giver, Gift, and Giving
- Rock, Redeemer, Friend
I'm not sure whether I should laugh or cry. Too funny!
On another note, I have been reading a lot of Ryle lately and have come to the conviction that no man should hold the title of bishop in the Anglican Church unless he promises not to contradict the lead of the old Bishop. (just for starters).
"Light from Old Times" is exactly what I'm reading. I will be posting some quotes I gleaned from it very soon. I agree with Jerry that you should stop reading Jerry Wragg and start reading Ryle!
Jerry Ryle? I've never heard of him before. Is he new? Where can I get some of his stuff?
I think the FL Sun is starting to get to Chris and Jer.
Yeah, but from the looks of me you wouldn't know I've been out in it! Now Jerry, on the other hand...
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