"Awesome Lawson"
This year our church congregation is celebrating 165 years of God's faithfulness. One of the things we wanted to do to highlight this anniversary celebration was to have a bible conference or two. I am a bit of a dreamer so i decided to create my Fab 5 list of faithful expositors. Included on my list were John MacArthur, Steve Lawson, R.C. Sproul, Al Mohler, and John Piper. I have heard all these men preach in person many times before and have met all of them personally with the exception of Pastor Piper. Each one of these men has helped me grow in Christ and has modeled what a faithful pulpit looks like. I had the special privilege of being apart of Pastor MacArthur's church for 13 years. During that time I was able to enjoy some fellowship with Pastor Lawson on the Master's College campus.
Well to make a long story short i decided to ask Pastor Steve Lawson to be our key note preacher at our 165th Anniversary celebration not thinking we had much of a chance in getting him; as i told our leadership team, "Not because he would not love to serve us in this way but simply b/c national conference speakers are in very high demand and thus they have to say 'no' all the time." Well i was wrong! On May 21-22nd Pastor Steve Lawson will be coming to Freeport, Il and we could not be more excited!
When i heard Dr. Lawson preach in Orlando at a Ligonier Pastor's Conference i remember an African American preacher from Indiana say 'that Steve Lawson is awesome!' My dad and I decided to coin the expression used in the title above.
For those of you who wonder what it might have been like to hear George Whitefield preach....check out these sermons http://www.cfbcmobile.org
Steve Lawson is awesome because he gets himself out of the way every time he preaches and thus magnifies the glory of Christ in the Word of God!